My guest this week is Ashra Liles. Her smile alone personifies His radiance! The Lord’s brilliance resonates deep from within her soul and His grace is displayed on the first “Hello”! Ashra is on staff at Hope Church as a worship leader, administrative assistant and also takes care of a portion of print media. A reoccurring theme throughout her life has been ministering in her gift of song and praise. Her voice is both healing and anointed. She carries a deep abiding passion to encourage others to join her in ushering in His presence. Ashra purposefully takes her position in Christ to serve others, and her trust in Jesus quickly becomes evident through her patient responses to all of life’s challenges. Ashra has two beautiful children and they make their home in Albany. She loves people, coffee and Jesus. Her laugh and her zest for life are contagious! 

Ashra admits that even from a young age, she has struggled with food addiction. It became her way to cope when walking out difficult seasons of her story, but she is learning now how to fill that true hunger in the Lord and nothing has ever been so satisfying as Him.

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