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Perovskites are somewhat ambiguous compounds defined by general chemical formula and their three-dimensional structure. Yet their potential is huge; they represent the next generation of materials to harness the relationship between energy and light.

Like perovskites, the scientific landscape in Mexico is also a bit ambiguous. The lack of history and of an established scientific infrastructure make it hard to do research in the country. However, a there are promising, yet still isolated, success stories and spring of new talent, such as Diego Solis-Ibarra, that suggest a new dawn for Mexican science. 

The conversation with Diego is an amazing story of a brave and talented young man, with a deep connection to his roots and the determination to embrace challenges not many would even consider. He traded a relatively easy scientific career abroad for being the steward of the growing scientific culture in Mexico. His research is as punchy and disruptive as his personality. We learn about the amazing technology of perovskites, while discovering a great scientist’s profile.

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