batt_007_david.mp3 batt_007_david.ogg

David Thomas Moran is a phoneur, photographer and game designer currently involved in the TRansit Interpretation Project who works in urban mobile games, creative place making, and has many interesting projects. He is pursuing an MFA from UCF in Emerging Media. In this episode we also discuss how the creative community in Orlando can reach out to the West and the tourist-driven part of our economy.

Mentioned in this podcast
The Corridor Project
Walk On By (Orlando Weekly)
Dead Quare Walking (also on Instagram)
Emerging Media - Digital Media MFA
PLAY ME crowdfunding campaign (#playmeorlando)
The Art Starter
Festival Bay Mall Artisan Market
Orlando Days + Nights
"Dangerous By Design" presentation on YouTube from Processing Orlando
Orlando's Coming-of-Age Tale: How the City's Technology Industry is Garnering National Attention aka Familab on NPR! Featuring Kathryn
Ludology in Games
Flaneurs and Phoneurs
Instagrammers Orlando @IGers_Orlando
Google Ingress
Mary Flanagan
SNAP! Space
Cardboard Art Festival
Polaroid Fotobar
Morse Museum in Winter Park
The Artistic Hand Gallery and Studio
Improv Classes at SAK
Picks of the Week
Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Drop-outs, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form
JBON Clothing Co - "Bath Salts" T-Shirt
Jim Henson: The Biography
Fighting Traffic: The Dawn of the Motor Age in the American City (Inside Technology)
Piq Chocolates from MIT Alumni

Music: "5 dan b4g, in C" by junior85 (Tony Higgins) via Vimeo Music Store

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@wideanglefocus on Instagram
@wideanglefocus on Twitter
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David on the Watermark
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Ryan Price

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