Finally, the Zom Bee episode! In this episode, we discuss all the buzz about the zombie culture epidemic and segueing seamlessly into apocalypse culture. Not a lot of spoilers, but plenty of awesome rambling, shambling, and ambling. Discussion drops include World War Z, White Zombie, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, The Last Man on Earth, I Am Legend, Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Young Frankenstein, Zombieland, Twelve Monkeys, Armageddon, a little known TV series called "The Walking Dead", and a comic book series by the same name. Special Guest Dr Mandeville, who has a PhD in Revenant Studies, takes us on a journey into his NOTLD tattoo, right under the skin of the zombie phenomenon and into the delicious rotting flesh beneath. Oops... Did I say "delicious"? I meant "metaphorical".
Key Notes: Are you a big apocalypse?, Brain Panini, "the removal of the veil", wet things under other wet things (most of which are poisonous), Complacency: The #1 Killer in America after broccoli, and the squiffiness of certain doom.

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Crunching Numbers by the Polish Ambassador Copyright Polish Ambassador Records 2006; Popcorn Frog by MC Chris Copyright mc chris llc 2011; Zombie by The Cranberries Copyright Island Records 1994