We talk about Greg’s new Dutch 27” iMac 5k and why IKEA is so awesome, and continue about Qualcomm rejecting Broadcom’s acquisition offer, and the reality that most people don’t give a damn about internet speeds.

Then we dive into some more thoughts about the iPhone X, while shipping time improves before the 2nd launch wave which includes Israel. Discuss the improved wireless charging iOS 11.2 brings among other stuff and give our opinions about the 2018 iPhone line rumors.


Greg Morris - @GR36 Nati Shochat - @natisho


Follow up

Qualcomm no deal at £105bn Internet speeds: https://twitter.com/natisho/status/930722765015003141 LTE coverage: https://twitter.com/natisho/status/930707706725519371 https://opensignal.com/reports/2016/11/state-of-lte iPhone X
Shipping time gets better Israel to get it on the 23rd of November



iOS 11.2 brings all kind of cool perks Faster wireless charging Matt tested the 7.5W charging New live wallpapers Apple Pay Cash Control Center indicator for iPhone X? Jony Ive says that the iPhone X will evolve Rumours about new Apple Products ALREADY! Apple’s 2018 iPhone line HomePod gen 2 to get Face ID Apple working on Lazer focus for next year Apple's Israeli connection Johny Srouji's interview English Hebrew

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