Rev. Brad Thomas lives with his wife and twelve-year-old son in Collinsville, Illinois, where they are members of Holy Cross Lutheran. He graduated from Concordia Seminary St. Louis in 2008 and was called by Lutheran Senior Services to serve as chaplain for the people of Meridian Village in Glen Carbon, IL. As chaplain, he brings the Word of God to the residents of the community through worship services, Bible studies and one-on-one visits. He encourages residents to maintain their relationship with their parish pastor, if they can, and he encourages local pastors to visit their parishioners. Chaplain Brad sees his role as supplemental to the parish pastor and especially important to those who do not have contact with a pastor. He also provides pastoral care for the staff and family members of residents as they deal with their own challenges of life and caring for aging loved ones. Prior to moving to the St Louis area to attend the seminary, Brad and Susan lived in the Chicago area where Brad had worked in business development.

Chaplains play an important role in the lives of people who are hurting, distressed, or in challenging situations. They serve alongside first responders, in hospitals or other institutions, with the military, in prisons and jails, and in other situations. Hear from nine individuals about their journeys into chaplaincy, how they serve, and how they bring the love of Christ to those in need. This podcast is produced in partnership with the LCMS Office of National Mission. Find all episodes via the tag "Bring the Love of Christ."