The Penny Yo-Yo
featuring Dr Dennis Hill

Let's dedicate this entire podcast to the Penny Yo-Yo example. Where it came from, its importance to you as a teaching aid, and the overall value it offers for SBOs. Last time, we discussed the need for a Small Business Owner to view their company holistically from a process point of view, and that the bigger picture requires “bigger lenses” that each one of us is capable of grinding for ourselves through education, training, and practical experience.

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Dr. Dennis Hill, Answers:  

Your yo-yo example is a cool illustration of the impact of small savings leading to large profits. First, is this a real-world application or something you made up?How does the Penny  Yo-Yo tie into intentionality, the title of your chapter? Clearly, Small-Medium Business success rates can increase from this kind of intentionality, and last time we talked about one step towards system integration to streamline business operations.  What is another?What happens when you align your people or workforce?Just like the last interview, let me ask, “Why does any of this matter?” 

Dennis' Special Invitation For You:
To learn more about integrating your business processes for well-managed, intentional profits, visit our resource center at and download our guide, “The Small Business Recipe for Growth.“

Listen to Dennis' Previous Episodes:
Productivity Focus: BB155, BB164, BB172, BB179, BB191, BB203

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

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