The Power of the Human Mind - Introduction
featuring Kerrie Hoffman

Are you using the power of your mind to transform your business? We are living in an amazing time of transformation – The Next Age™ - with traditional businesses from the Industrial Age needing to transform to keep up with the new speed of business. The 2020 pandemic has only amplified this need.  

It takes a Digitally Expanded Mindset™ to make the changes and actually achieve the transformation. When you understand and intentionally use the power of your mind in combination with a Digitally Expanded Mindset™, you can take your business's transformation and your personal strength to an entirely new level.  

Today we are introducing Chapter 10 in the upcoming release of Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner (Vol 5).  Chapter 10, The Power of the Human Mind: Behind the Digital Mindset, includes the following topics:

·        Cultivating a Digitally Expanded Mindset™
·        Tapping into the Power of the Human Mind
·        Believing in the Power behind your Own Mind
·        Igniting and amplifying your Mind Power

The time to fully step into The Next Age™ by transforming your business is NOW. As small business owners, we need to ignite and amplify the power of our mind through regular attention and intentional practice.

Kerrie Hoffman, #1 Bestselling Business Author, Answers:

What is the main premise of your upcoming chapter in Volume 5? Let’s also give our listeners some context. There has been a lot of business-related change in the last decade, which seems to only have accelerated in the last 18 months. What is driving this increased level of change? Cool, It's all about our mindset. Can give us some insight into your chapter topics?Is there anything else you want to tell our listeners about the chapter?  

Want more? Listen to Kerrie’s previous episodes: 
BB105, BB112, BB118, BB127, BB132, BB138, BB143

Kerrie’s Special Invitation for You:
Ready to learn more about igniting and amplifying the power of your mind through regular attention and intentional practice? Visit our resource center of videos at

Of course, you can learn more in Kerrie’s chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 3". Click here to get book on amazon: 

#BrilliantBizBook #MindPower #Consciousness #Subconsciousness #TheNextAge