A New Performance Paradigm
featuring John Kennedy

Sometimes the key to your success is so simple you miss it. For example, small business owners are often overwhelmed by the stresses of managing their people and technology. Yet, the easiest way to gain control, reduce stress, and improve customer satisfaction is by intentionally defining the processes critical to your success and then repeating them. 

 You’ll learn about the Capability Maturity Model, a simple approach to assessing and then improving those processes critical to your operational, personal, and even mental performance. Practical examples and an explanation of the benefits will encourage you to take charge and move from chaos to control.

Upcoming Author, John Kennedy Answers:

What the heck is a neuroplastician?What is neuroplasticity?How did you get to where you are with your background?What makes you uniquely qualified to do your type of work?What is the most rewarding part of what you do?

This is the first episode in John's miniseries on our podcast.

Links to "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner"Books:
Volume 1: getbook.at/BrilliantBizBook2017
Volume 2: getbook.at/BrilliantBizBook2
Volume 3: getbook.at/BrilliantBizBook3   
Volume 4: getbook.at/BrilliantBizBook4

#BrilliantBizBook #SmallBusiness #CombatBrainTraining #PeakPerformance