Do What You Love with Others
featuring Dr. Dennis Hill

Dr. Dennis Hill is a computer expert with forty-seven  years of hands-on experience.  Since the age of fourteen, before the invention of the PC, Dennis has enjoyed developing programs for people to use.  He taught himself 4 computing languages by the end of high school, including BASIC, Fortran, Assembly language, and one he co-invented with another student for easy math calculations. He went on to graduate with special honors for computers in biomedical engineering, being recognized for setting up the computing systems for students and faculty while attending Marquette University. 

After college, Dennis created the first courtside basketball system which he and another Marquette grad demonstrated at the NCAA Final Four in 1986. At 23 Dennis was the youngest professor of computer science and engineering and department head in the country, attaining accreditation for one of the first undergraduate programs in the US at MSOE University – today still considered one of the top 10 by US News and World Report. And he continued pioneering the field of user-focused solutions to this very day.

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Dr. Dennis Hill, Answers:  

Dennis,  it's time to know you as a person and professional. Let’s start with motivation. Why computers? Can you share why your teen years supported your independent approach?How did your home life impact your future?  What is the benefit of having good people around you to guide your interests in your formative years?With hard work, and the need to be self-reliant taught in your home as well as the teamwork taught in school, when did you first consider starting a business?Please share what “Do what we must to do what we want” implies.  What would you tell our community of small business owners to help them succeed, grow, and scale?Clearly, you started your professional journey exceptionally early - in grade school.  Is there one thing you attribute to your success? 

Dennis' Special Invitation For You:
To learn more about integrating your business systems for well-managed, intentional growth, and information, get the guide "The Small Business Recipe - Integrating ideas and Information" by clicking:

Chapter: "Integrate for Well-Managed, Intentional Growth"  in the book: "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 4".  Click here to get the book on amazon:

Listen to Dennis' Previous Episodes:
BB155, BB164

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

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