Community Building is Business Building
featuring Mark Boeder

Today, in our highly fragmented world, we know that the most effective change-makers inspire participation at a broader and deeper level. And to grow a thriving, growing business it is imperative to figure out what kind of people to connect with in order to find the kind of Key Talent needed to grow a business.  

Networking is simply a means to an end. Finding the right people always begins with figuring out within the larger society, who might be YOUR tribe … the people who are influencers or connected to the kind of people you want in your business.  

Networking with the intent of building a business must be intentional, but not transactional. The GOALS of networking must be connections, relationships, and finally, community.

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Mark Boeder, Answers:  

Who, in the business, should be networking?How should businesses effectively create a network and beginning using it to find the people they want to hire? How do you activate a network to help grow a business?What is the primary thing your network would be interested in to help them better assist you and your business?How can you get your community more involved with your business' growth initiatives?Aside from teaching others the value your business offers customers, how do you make your community more knowledgeable about your business' vision and mission?

Mark's Special Invitation For You:
Learn more about how to find The Indispensable Key Talent your business needs to grow to achieve your goals for yourself or with Mark's assistance.
Click here: https://warhorse

Mark's Chapter: "Uplevel Your Business by Replacing Irreplaceable Employee: Move to Indispensable Key Talent for Ultimate Success" in the book: "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 4".  Click here to get the book on amazon:

Listen to Mark's Previous Episodes:

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

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