What's Really Causing Your Business Issues?
featuring Susan McCuistion

Every organization wants to be sustainable. For-profit organizations work to satisfy owners, shareholders and stakeholders by increasing profit. Not for profit organizations need to ensure they have the funds and donations necessary to move forward with their mission. Small businesses may want to attract new customers so that they can grow or maintain their profit margins.

No matter what type of business you’re in, the truth is, business issues are not unique. Every company with employees has trouble with recruiting and retention at some time. They struggle to identify a talent pipeline and who is qualified for leadership positions within the organization. They want to build new and innovative solutions and attract a consumer base.

Too often, organizations look at all of these issues in a silo. However, there is one thread that underlies all of these issues… and that thread is diversity and inclusion.

#1 Bestselling Business Author, Susan McCuistion, Answers:  

Can you please define, Diversity, Inclusion, Systemic, and Small Business?In our next few interviews, we’re going to dive deeper into the hidden cost of doing business that you outline in your chapter. Bottom line on top… what is the hidden cost? Diversity?! There is a lot of other stuff going on in the world. Small businesses are being affected greatly by the global pandemic and civil unrest. Why diversity?Many small business owners think their business is different. Are business issues unique?Before we get to the problems, tell us a little bit more about how D&I ( Diversity & Inclusion) helps businesses?Let’s take a look at some small business problems. We can start with an obvious one, products and services? 


Susan's Special Invitation for You:
Learn more about The 5 Diversity Myths in eBook:

Listen to Susan's Previous Episodes:
BB58, BB71, BB78, BB86, BB94, BB99, BB140

Access to Susan's chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 2". Click here to get this volume on amazon: getbook.at/BrilliantBizBook2

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