Building Influence through Making Powerful Introductions
featuring Tamara Burkett

If you’re not networking online, you’re being left behind. As social distancing is in full swing and there’s no end in sight. So, Zoom connections and virtual gathers are pretty much here to stay.  With everyone clamoring online, social media can feel overcrowded with people buying for attention. So how do you might genuine connections, and be different from the rest? How do you build authentic influence? The secret to building true influence is in how you connect people. In this episode you’ll learn:

- The difference between being a connector and master connector
- How powerful introductions give back 7-fold 
- What steps you can take today to receive a powerful introduction in less than 7 days

#1 Bestselling Business Author, Tamara Burkett, Answers: 

What makes an introduction powerful? What are the benefits of making introductions? What’s the best way to keep all this information kept and easily accessible?How can listeners begin making powerful introductions?

Want more? Listen to Tamara’s previous episodes: 
 BB102, BB110, BB115, BB124, BB130, BB137, BB141

Tamara’s Special Invitation for You:
Click to learn what you Networking IQ is. Take the Networking IQ Test.

You can learn more in Tamara’s chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 3". Click here to get book on amazon:

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