The Power of Advocacy and a Story Well Told 
featuring Becky Norwood

“I believe every human being has treasured gifts the world is just waiting to experience.”

Storytelling has been the fiber of humanity since the beginning of time. It is the power of stories that impact the lives of either the listener or the reader. Stories can motivate change, inspire, heal hearts, and transform lives. Being able to skillfully share our stories, even weaving it into our marketing is what becomes the connective fiber of becoming an impactful influencer is a world that sorely needs leaders to stand up and share. 

Join #1 Bestselling Business Author Becky Norwood as we discuss:

Why are you so passionate about sharing our stories?What impact can being able to share our own stories have on our own lives?Can you share stories of authors who have impacted lives by their stories?In what ways can it make a difference in the lives of others?What are the four pillars of a story well told?Explain why it is important to be an advocate for others.How does truth-teller carry the fiber of strength to the heart of the reader or listener?What role does being a unifier play in our ability to skillfully share our stories?Becoming a way-shower involves becoming what in our world?

Want more?
Becky's Special Invitation for You:
"The Four Pillars of a Story Well Told" guides you to the understanding of the impactful ways sharing our stories can make a powerful difference in the lives of others by bringing to light untapped wisdom, healing lives, and transforming hearts.

Download Your Free Guide: The Four Pillars of a Story Well Told:

Of course you can learn more in Susan's chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 2". Click here to get book on amazon:

Listen to Becky's Previous Episodes: BB58, BB71, BB78, BB86, BB98

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