The Future of Business
featuring Kerrie Hoffman

We are being catapulted out of the Industrial Age and into The Next Age™ by an exponential growth in technology. This is dramatically changing the way we operate our business and adopt technology. The Digital Flow Framework™ was developed to explain the difference between Traditional Business in the Industrial Age and Digital Business in The Next Age™. 

The Digital Flow Framework™ also gives us a glimpse of the Future of Business. Exponential Technology also drives the Future of Business. These are exponential technologies like Quantum Computing, Synthetic Biology, and Fully Cognitive AI being developed by scientists and engineers. Bottom line, the future of business is exponentially faster than Digital Business.  So grab your seatbelts and hang-on…

 Kerrie Hoffman, #1 Bestselling Business Author, Answers:

What has catapulted us into The Next Age™?How has the global pandemic impacted The Next Age™?What is the Digital Flow Framework™?Why is the Future of Business metaphorically up in the Solar Winds?What are 3 important exponential technologies driving the future of business?What can business owners do today to prepare for the future of business?

Want more? Listen to Kerrie’s previous episodes: 
BB105, BB112, BB118, BBB127, BBB132, BBB138

Kerrie’s Special Invitation for You:
See how your business can ride the Jet Stream of Digital Business in a short video series and receive a resource guide on the 5 aspects of a Digitally Expanded Mindset™
Go to:

Of course, you can learn more in Kerrie’s chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 3". Click here to get book on amazon: 

Some Fun Sources

Futurist Peter Schwartz:  Check out the Writings section.What is Quantum Computing: bunch of relevant research from Singularity University that writes like a human: large scale Quantum computer: Power Keeps Growing: Moore’s Law a Boost: Artificial Kidneys: Biology (old article, but good explanation – click on the fifth dot in the right hand margin)  Life Extension (The Guardian): 

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