3 Keys to Achieving Digital Velocity - Key 3 Digital Operations
featuring Kerrie Hoffman

We are being catapulted out of the Industrial Age and into The Next Age™ by an exponential growth in technology. This is dramatically changing the way we operate our business and adopt technology. The Digital Flow Framework™ was developed to explain the difference between Traditional Business in the Industrial Age and Digital Business in The Next Age™. 

The Digital Flow Framework contains 3 keys to achieving Digital Velocity. In this podcast, we’ll explore Key 3 Digital Technology. We will dive into details on the difference between traditional technology and digital technology. We will also explore why it is important to develop a cadence of continuous adoption of new technology.

#1 Bestselling Business Author, Kerrie Hoffman, Answers:

1.  Why have we left the Industrial Age and Entered the Next Age?
2.  What is the Digital Flow Framework™?
3.  Why is it important for companies to achieve Digital Velocity?
4.  What is the difference between traditional technology and digital technology?
5.  Why does the digital flow of business require a cadence of continuous adoption of new technology?

 Want more? Listen to Kerrie’s previous episodes: BB105, BB112, BB118, BBB127, BBB132

Kerrie’s Special Invitation for You:

See how your business can ride the Jet Stream of Digital Business in a short video series and receive a resource guide on the 5 aspects of a Digitally Expanded Mindset™

Go to: https://kerriehoffman.com/brilliant

Of course, you can learn more in Kerrie’s chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 3". Click here to get book on amazon: getbook.at/BrilliantBizBook3 

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