Your Second Salesperson Should Decrease Costs
featuring Keith Klein

The focus of the first draft of Your Second Salesperson was on time and money cost savings of websites as marketing tools. A client reviewed that first draft and said, "You're embracing a scarcity mentality." He was right. The web allows you to do so much...for so little.  

Taking another tack, I emphasized the benefits as much as the savings of Your Second Salesperson. This podcast is meant to explore and expand on that balance, benefits and savings.  

Listen in and learn what small business owners need to consider when building a web presence. You can quite definitely make Your Second Salesperson successful - increasing revenue and decreasing costs, while establishing great habits and routines to take you and your business into the future. 

Questions Answered:

Can you reach your market with a low-cost website?Can you automate your marketing with a low-cost website?Can you go multi-media with a low-cost website?Can you customize content for top prospects and customers with a low-cost website?

Want more?
Listen to Keith’s podcast episodes at BB107, BB111, BB121

Keith’s Special Invitation for You:

See how your business can harness the power of prospecting and marketing automation with a low-cost website that caters to top prospects and customers. Go to:

Of course, you can learn more in Keith’s chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 3". Click here to get book on amazon:

 #BrilliantBizBook #Profitability #Sales #Website #WebForging #OnYourMarkLLC