We all heard the fortune is in the follow ups and statistics prove this saying true. With 87% of won deals happening after the 5th encounter, you’d think business owners would make it a priority to reach out to prospects multiple times. We know follow ups should be priority, and they are but most become trapped in focusing on 3% of buyers or those people who are ready to buy. That means for every 100 potential customers who encounter your brand for the first time, only 3 people are ready to buy. The other 97 need more connection. How we convert the 97 potential customers lies in how we cultivate a relationship with each person. 

This podcast aims to address the foundational hurdles small businesses and entrepreneurs face when creating a follow up process that flows.

When it comes to business growth, what are some of the common challenges your see in the marketplace?Is there a root cause to these challenges?How can CRMs help?What are the benefits to investing in CRM early on in your business?

 Listen to Tamara's previous episode: BB102
#BrilliantBizBook #1BestsellingAuthor #CRM