Social conditions significantly affect health and well being at the individual and population levels, contributing to health inequity in the US. Research shows organizations that connect people to community resources–childcare, jobs, housing, nutrition, and transportation–measurably improve the overall health of the population and can impact up to 80 percent of health outcomes.


The delivery of social care services in connection with healthcare requires new systems to organize the relationships and activities of healthcare payers, providers, community-based organizations (CBOs), and community members.


This panel will discuss integrating social care into healthcare delivery and the need for the organized delivery of social care services, including care coordination, through a multi-stakeholder health and social care ecosystem, as part of a whole-person approach to health.


Topics include:

Engaging consumers in social care Coordinating care across the ecosystem Partnering with CBOs and other social services organizations


This episode is sponsored by the Partnership to Align Social Care

Personal and community health outcomes significantly depend on our social, economic, and community conditions. Meeting our communities' social care and health care needs requires strengthening our systems of care and aligning health and social care. The Partnership to Align Social Care aims to achieve precisely this goal. We are a national collaborative that brings together healthcare and community leaders to co-design systems of care that will better meet the health and social care needs of individuals and communities. Learn more and join our efforts by visiting our website,