In this episode, we're talking to Christine Innes from the Corporate Escapists about her journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. Christine shares insights on the importance of storytelling, mindset, and authenticity in business. We also chat about the power of having a supportive community, adapting to change, and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs. Tune into this fantastic conversation and hear how to design a life you love.


In today's episode,  you'll learn:

The power of storytelling in business
The importance of mindset
Building community and connection
Free vs paid stories in advertising
Content repurposing
The Moment Theory
Importance of authenticity in eCommerce
Embracing the ever-evolving business journey.


Links from the show:

Bright Red Marketing Episode 64
The Corporate Escapists Podcast
The Corporate Escapist Website, Instagram, and Facebook
Podcast Recommendation: Online Marketing Made Easy, Manifestation Babe
Book Recommendation: Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

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