Richard Nixon was arguably the most controversial political figure in the last half of the 20th Century. Today, he has been smeared as the measuring stick for corruption and authoritarian behavior.  Yet, when you examine his record, he is also arguably one of our 5 or 6 Greatest United States Presidents. Clearly, one of the most consequential figures in any field of endeavor in all of American History. 

His record is enormous, from environmental policy, to the enormous strides in Cancer research (His personal proudest achievement)  that has changed a diagnosis from a death sentence to a real chance of survival. He opened the door to China, got us out of Vietnam, and signed the first nuclear arms treaties between the then super powers. 

He did all of it, and more, while being the first President since Zachary Taylor to have both Houses of Congress be in the opposing parties hands the entire time he served.  Despite the Watergate Scandal that forced his resignation, this man, so often reviled by liberals, got a lot of stuff done. How did he do that? How could that be? How is it a politician this controversial could accomplish this much?  Yet today we can't seem to get anything accomplished. Let's take a look to those days and this extraordinary man who served as the 37th President.  The second man in 100 plus years to truly save the Union. 

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