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In this special edition, we look back at the remarkable life of the longest serving female Senator in American History, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California.  A Democrat that I almost never agreed with on anything except forestry management and protecting endangered fish.  She was a champion of gun control, was an entrenched fighter of the pro-abortion agenda and spent her career working on environmental and liberal social agenda items.

So what in the world could we possibly be thinking doing a tribute to her career in these weeks following her passing away at age 90.  Diane Feinstein was a liberal Senator, but she was also a very warm, respectful, good natured happy warrior.  Feinstein often went out of her way to find common ground in order to work with her Republican Colleagues.  One of her closest friends n the Senate was Senator Lamar Alexander , a Tennessee Republican. Ironically, as her health dramatically declined , after her husband died and she reached the age of 89, it was most often her Republican Colleagues from Lindsey Graham, to Ted Cruz, to John Kennedy, to even Mitch McConnell who more often than not were the people who defended her against vicious attacks from the liberal wing of her own Democratic Party. 

For it was Dianne Feinstein, at the end of the Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Hearings, who reached out to Senator Lindsey Graham to say we as Americans can be proud of the way we worked together through differences during the hearing.  She wanted to do more work like that for the good of our country even though she was also opposed to the appointment of Barrett to the Court. She was repaid with some of the most disrespectful treatment I have ever witnessed a senior elected official receive from the members of her own party.  It was in a word, disgusting to listen too. 

Our show, wants to remember Dianne Feinstein here for the giant she was in the history of the country, and show our gratitude to the last major figure in America to try and "bridge the political gap" that is currently driving our nation full speed into a wall.  We feel like we need more representatives in government, and everywhere else in society for that matter, who behave like Senator Feinstein and for that we honor her long and illustrious career with this special edition of our podcast. 

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