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Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind! 

For two decades our leadership in America has sown discord and divisiveness. The leadership of the Republican Party have often pushed conspiracy theories out to its true believers, the Democratic Party, in turn, has made outlandish accusations a hallmark of its leadership. 

All the while the national media has devolved not into purveyors of fact, but of cheerleading organizations , that pick sides, and give the political parties outlets to preach their outlandish nonsense to the unsuspecting masses. 

As Ted Koppel said in his interview with PBS, " The Washington Post of today, and the New York Times of today is not the New York Times of 50 years ago, nor the Washington Post of 50 years ago." 

The same could be said for all the television networks and the cable networks. They have all blurred the lines between news content and editorials. What is even worse is they have done it at the exact moment that the rise of social media has made any person with a lap top computer or cellphone an untrained, and often unreliable journalist. 

You don't know what you are listening to or whether what you are reading has any validity at all. That has allowed every crazy story to get legs and travel. That, all together, has fed an atmosphere of division, demonization, and no trust in our traditional institutions, not even a shared sense of what is really reality,  and  that boiled over on January 6, 2021 at the U.S Capitol. 

This episode takes you from the retirement of the last World War 2 national figure, Bob Dole, to the circus of the Brett Kavanaugh Hearings and President Donald Trump's war with "Fake News". 

 And to the doorstep of  what it brought us, the meltdown at the U.S. Capitol January , 06, 2021. 

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