On this episode of Bridging The Gap, we're joined by Matt Halloran, CRO and Co-Founder of Proudmouth and Co-Founder and podcast host of his podcast, “Top Advisor Marketing” with advisorconnectX.

Matt shares a variety of marketing tips, including leveraging social media and client marketing, the importance of podcasting, and marketing to your niche.

We also dive into marketing tactics to strengthen your platform, and what advisors need to be careful about when it comes to managing their social media channels. Elevate your marketing game with tips from this episode!

Matt Halloran Bio:

Co-Founder & CRO, ProudMouth

Imagine what your business would be like if you didn’t have to chase prospects!

Matt Halloran and Kirk Lowe co-founded ProudMouth to help you sell less and advise more by amplifying your influence over a growing audience of magnetically attracted fans who’ll chase you down instead. To date, their team has produced over 4K podcast episodes and over 50K social media posts in one of the most highly regulated industries –– financial services.

A former business and life coach to top advisors, Matt has helped advisors understand how to create trust and build rapport before they’ve ever even met a prospect or center of influence. He has studied the way people communicate for over 20 years, has been featured in The Wall Street Journal as an expert in digital communication, and is also an author of “The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors” –– the first social media book dedicated to financial services! He has now combined his extensive knowledge and expertise in business and coaching with one of his passions: podcasting.

Matt has hosted and been on over 1,000 podcasts. He’s also the host of ProudMouth’s podcasts, the Top Advisor Marketing Podcast, where he shares marketing strategies tailored for advisors and connects with top industry leaders, and Be Your Own Loud, which features amazing people who've gained influence by being unapologetically themselves.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthalloranpm/

Twitter: MattHalloran_

Website: Homepage - ProudMouth

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