Download Your Free E Book of FEAR BE GONE-OVERCOMING SELF SABOTAGE at . Today’s Podcast : It was the third day of school of my sophomore year in 1993. I played football for the Lumberton High Pirates. It was our very first game of the season, and we were playing the South View Tigers on our home field. I lined up on the right side of the field as we prepared for the kick-off to the second half of the game. As the placekicker made contact with the ball, I ran down the field while remaining mindful to stay in my lane and avoid other players. As I approached my opponent’s forty-yard line, I saw the Tiger’s punt returner heading towards my side of the field. In preparation of tackling the other team’s player, I made a slight left turn in his direction. Traveling at top speed, I broke into tackling form and made contact with the Southview Tiger’s kick returner. I remember the hit as a fierce one. I felt the runner go down. I too went down, but after hitting the ground, something didn’t seem right. Upon contact, it felt as if all of my energy and power jumped out of my body. I couldn’t feel myself. I tried to get up. I knew what it felt like to get up. My brain was repeatedly going through the process of getting up, but my body was unresponsive. It became clear I was unable to move and would not be getting up on my own. I immediately knew I was in bad shape. I kept trying to get up. I heard people shouting, “Get up Rodney, get up.” I knew I suffered some sort of spinal injury. My teammate and best friend ran to me after the hit and said forcefully, “Good hit man. That’s what I’m talking about, good hit.” Then he realized something was wrong. He reached down to help. “Are you alright man? C’mon lets go, get up.” But before he had a chance to grab my hands, the coaches and trainer stopped him and yelled, “Don’t touch him, don’t move him. He could be hurt badly.” Reality began to set in and tears began to roll down my face. I came to grip with the fact that the only thing I had control over was my head. The story continues here. In this empowering and inspiring podcast Dr. Stem talks to Rodney Flowers about THE PROGRESS FORMULA which is designed to free users of the restrictions and the constraints that are holding them back from progressing forward in life. This formula is designed to identify the causes of the restrictions and constraints that show up in your life, identify and establish what you want from life, and close the gap between where you are and where you really want to be. For Further Insight: Website: