We’re joined today by Ray Weale, currently COO of IDMerit and formerly Director of Digital Innovation at Nestle. Ray helped lead the global unification of literally thousands of Nestles processes and systems on to 34 standard processes on SAP—realizing staggering benefits along the way. Our conversation starts with Ray’s background and carries into how Nestle accomplished this remarkable global integration and unification. 

Personal note:  I must confess to feeling a bit sycophant-ish as we fawned over Ray’s story. However, I think anyone who’s been around a large transformation effort knows the challenges of pulling it off successfully. In this case, after learning from their first failed attempt, both Nestles and SAP should be commended for this incredible achievement. This is a story well worth hearing and an excellent example of what an organization can accomplish once they realize they’re not running an IT project—they’re running a business project that just happens to be enabled by technology—Dave

Guest LinkedIn Profile: Ray Weale

These podcasts are dedicated to bridging the gap between business & IT. Each episode looks at different aspects of this relationship as we explore ways to help the two groups better communicate. We're passionate about this topic because it's a failure to communicate that causes 75% of all IT project failures and costs the US $1.8 Trillion every year—8% of US GDP!

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