Previous Episode: "FOUND People FIND People"

On Sunday, March 1st (2020), Interim Pastor, Fred Weymouth, preached the message:

"SAVED People SERVE People"

Saved people follow the Savior’s example.

1) Love your enemies
2) Turn the other cheek
3) God or Money: You have to choose
4) Don’t worry about anything, seek God instead
5) Many are on the path to destruction, and only a few even find the way to life
6) You must deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Jesus
7) Jesus > Everyone else
8) There is a place of “weeping and gnashing of teeth”
9) Rejoice when you are persecuted on account of Jesus
10) Luke’s version of the Beatitudes (Luke 6:20-23)
11) ...and their corresponding woes (Luke 6:24-26)
12) The world hated Jesus, so expect the world to hate Christians
13) Serve the poor, or go to Hell (Matthew 25:41-46)
14) Jesus is the only way to God

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