How you onboard and help in the transitionary period between acceptance and start date WILL make a difference in success and retention.

Senior living recruiting expert and industry champion Chris Heinz shares his insight of helping hundreds of leaders with their hiring processes.

Learn several ways you can ensure your new hire not only starts, but thrives with your company.

Before you’re done with the episode, you’ll hear his Mindset Moment to help create a movement in the Senior Living industry!

Request an Invite for the VIP Ignite Experience - August 28-30, 2022 in Nashville, TN!

Meet the BTG Contributors.

Powered by supporting partners  Accushield, Connected Living, Enquire, LTC REITOneDay, Meridian Capital, iN2L, Solinity, and The Bridge Group Construction.






Tune in each Wednesday for a new episode of the Contributor Wednesday series! Visit our website for more episodes and information at

Produced by Solinity Marketing.

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