In this instalment of B-Sides, we're sharing some of the mistakes we see people making on social media, and how you can avoid making them.


We talk about the pros and cons of using multiple platforms vs focusing your energies on just one or twoSo much of social media success comes down to trial and error and finding what works for you, as everyone is different"Focus on what you enjoy, and where your audience are, and you’ll be on the right track." -Ross"It’s called SOCIAL media for a reason!" - Ross"Too many people tend to just shout about upcoming releases and shows, rather than investing time in getting to know the people who follow them." -MarcioWe talk about the importance of building two-way relationships over social media"If you can build connections with the people who follow you, then they’re more likely to want to support you because they like you and feel valued!" -RossWe talk about people not doing their research when it comes to contacting music industry professionals via social media"If you’re sending someone your music because you’re seeking management, it’s probably a good idea to find out if they’re involved in management FIRST!" -Ross"If you want to be featured on a podcast or magazine, check that they cover your genre of music, or that they accept submissions at all!" -Marcio"Make sure any communication you have is personal and you’re not just demanding someone does something for you" -Ross


Social Surge


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