On today’s episode, co-producer Rush Perez are talking about Game of Thrones season 7, episode 4. This is Bed Stuy Vocal Fry, a sister pod to Bri Books, focusing on the shows Rush and I can't stop talking about. Thanks for listening! Subscribe on iTunes and SoundCloud. @bsvocalfry on Twitter.


1:15 - The episode looks at 4 locations throughout kingdom, starting with King’s Landing. 1:30 – When we look at King’s Landing, we’ve Game of Thrones Cersei talking to a banker from Braavos. They’re the Sallie Mae of Game of Thrones. They always get their money. They’re the student loan debtors at Game of Thrones. 1:55 – The crown owes a lot to Iron Bank. One of the things Cersei gets to is that she’s holding on tooth and nail to the power she does possess. When she’s talking in King’s Landing to Iron Bank, she says the debt will be paid within a fortnight. She intends to pay by robbing the Tyrell's, the house she destroyed. It seems like the deal is sealed. 2:45 what’s up in Winterfell? Some new kids on the block in the ‘fell, aka that’s where they live. 3:00 – There’s constant reunions in Winterfell. Last episode we saw bran come back to Winterfell after not being there since season 2, when Theon took over. 3:30 – Bran last episode had a reunion with Sansa. Now it’s Arya’s turn! The scene starts with Arya on the horse, overlooking the home she hasn’t been to in six seasons. The last time she was there her entire family was still alive. Now her mom, dad, oldest brother, younger brother all dead. 4:00 – Arya reconnects with Sansa then Bran. It felt truly like the circle is complete they’re all back together, and so different. The scene of Arya wheeling bran as Sansa walks nearby, you realize how much life has happened to these kids. As much has changed in their short lives in the show. You get the sense things at Winterfell are closer to being better, not fixed. But everyone’s favorite creepy uncle LIttlefinger is lurking! 4:55 – Did you catch Bran saying “Chaos is a ladder?” it’s like, Littelfinger is SHOOK. When he realizes that Brans out of nowhere reciting this. 5:15 Littelfinger strikes me as a character who doesn’t’ buy into magic, White Walkers. He’s into palace intrigue, what he can manipulate. I think it’s the first time LIttlefinger realizes he’s up against something out of his control that he can’t outsmart. 5:45 – Bran was creeping out everyone. I think it’s because he’s become the 3-eyed-raven, he’s not Bran anymore. He’s something else, but still has bran’s memories. 6:00 – he’s the collective memory of the universe. He says that to Myra, in what may be the most cold-blooded scene in the series. I’m like, UGH! I was so happy the season bran was beyond the wall. Because I was like good, you’re a sour boy with a bad attitude. Like, we get it, but still! UGH! You could’ve been like, thank you…no one wanted to wheel and carry you around. It just shows you, he’s the 3-eyed-raven. I thought that he’d be like an apprentice. But now he IS the memory. 7:12 – it was accelerated because the original 3-eyed was killed. Whose fault? Bran’s! 7:25 – Cersei’s in King’s landing, the Winterfell kids have returned and they’re worse for the wear. Now in Dragonstone 7:30 – you have Khaleesi and Jon Snow. Daenerys is up against a wall.



7:55 it’s because she started the season with a strong hand. She had the Greyjoy siblings with their navy. He had the Sand Snakes. She had the Tyrells/ Highgarden, the richest house in the kingdom. She had all that, and in the course of three episodes she lost all her allies. She still has dragons and an army, but no longer any Westerosi allies. 8:40 the closes she has to an ally is Jon, who is only there to dig and go. He’s not trying to be anyone’s king of anyone’s kingdoms. He’s’ like, these White Walkers are in route, we should make haste. 9:00 Daenerys discovers a mine of dragon glass under Dragonstone. That scene felt cop-out-y, like “a world of everything we need.” Yeah, you’d think this is perfect, but what’s gonna go wrong? Everything as to this point. 9:30 it’s too convenient. He spent 2 episodes trying to convince Daenerys, then he shows her pictures in the cave and she’s like I believe you. Seemed too quick for a turnaround. But the plot has to move forward. Clock is ticking. 10:00 Daenerys decides Jon can start mining and she says she’ll fight for the north, only if Jon bends the knee. 10:25 – After Dany and Jon have discovery in cave and romantic tense sexual tension…it’s creepy…but Targaryen’s wed brother and sisters for centuries…. 10:50 – after the cave discovery, Daenerys finds out from Tyrion that their plan to take Casterly Rock has failed, and the unsullied fleet has been burned by Euron Greyjoy. She finds out Yara has been taken captive, and she’s like screw y’all I Game of Thrones these dragons. I’ll go ride on them and figure things out. But her council try and talk her out of attacking king’s landing by appealing to her better nature, saying if you do this you’re just like your father who did the same. 11:45 – we forgot, there’s a return of a character—Theon and what remains of the Greyjoy fleet. 12:05 – Theon comes up on the beach, looking for Daenerys’ help to find his sister. But she’s’ gone, and he has an awkward reunion with Jon snow, which is awkward AF because Theon took Winterfell. 12:30 – Theon asks Jon where Daenerys is. Where is she? 12:45 – we circle back on the rose road, and It’s Jamie, Bron and the Tarley's, who were bannermen. Having come back from their victory in Highgarden. 13:00 – the Tyrrells were the richest family in the kingdom, and had the most fertile lands. They were the family that supplied the army and kingdom. 13:30 – an important point—Randall Tarly comes up to Jaime, says we Game of Thrones gold through city gates. What’s on the road is the food. That’s important to know because they hear something. 14:00 I think the noise is the sound of a thousand butterflies. AKA a Dothrak horde that they’re using as a plot device. They come out of NOWEHRE at the drop of a hat. 14:22 – how far is Highgarden from Dragonstone? Have they been riding horses for 2 weeks and no one knew?? Those are a ton of Dothrak. A ton of logistic questions about this show and episode. 15:06 – as you see the Dothrak horde—which is scary—you see the Lannister army is shook. And then…we hear a screech. And see two gigantic black wings come out. 15:30 – the look on Jamie’s face is the look you have when you look at your bank account and it’s low, and you see you haven’t paid your student loan payment this month. It’s like, this is gonna get much worse. Jamie looks like debt. 15:55 – hell breaks loose! There are flame everywhere! 16:00 – flames everywhere. On all surfaces—as soon as those fires come out of the dragon’s mouth, it lays waste to all the booty Cersei was literally banking on. They make a BBQ. This is a cookout now. 16:30 – a disturbing and interesting effect was, you saw people turn into ash. And it would like, be swept away into dust. 16:45 – on epis like this of Game of Thrones, I want to talk to prop masters! The horse trainer union! The guys doing pyrotechnics in the sky, it’s just so…you have to realize they’re creating a world! It’s giving me "Battle of the Bastards" vibes. 17:45 – my dragon sound effects! Jamie was shook. 17:53 –Bron runs to a caravan, and he gets the crossbow that Quiberon shows Cersei that he thinks could kill a dragon. He shoots and Daenerys dodges. 18:25 – Bron’s trying to hit Daenerys with crossbow. She realizes it, and goes straight towards Bron. She’s not zigging or zagging. 18:45 – she’s on her Rickon Stark game. Maybe they’re all related! When arrows come their way, they run towards them! 19:00 – he goes down but not all the way down. For a second, I’m like is this how she’s gonna die?? She gets off the dragon, tries to get arrow out of his shoulder, and then we see Jamie. And he sees the dragon down, and he sees Daenerys. all the while, Tyrion is on the sidelines watching it. Jamie is running towards Daenerys. Dany turns around, the dragon turns around and breathes a jet of fire. Bron grabs Jamie, pulls him into the river, and episode ends with Jamie drowning in the water as the screen goes to black. 20:20 – It’s insane. It was the craziest most intense episode I’ve watched in a long time. 20:30 – we haven’t seen a battle in a long time. We’ve seen a few sword-to-sword clashes, but otherwise lots of mutilations and surprise killings. But you’re seeing, this is what war looks like. As Tyrion surveys, he zeroes in on a horse on fire. It shows you war. We haven’t seen a badass war in so long. This one was so good! It gave us more dragon! 21:40 – we haven’t seen this much dragon action ever probably. 21:50 – we’ve seen it in Mereen when she was rescued and the episode where she takes out Slaver’s Bay and unleashes the dragons. But nothing like this. This was like, it was only one. 22:15 – wild predictions for episode 5? It’ll be near the end of first half of last season. 22:40 – I think that you’re gonna see Daenerys getting more assertive with Tyrion and with Varys, because they were the two telling her to be more cautious and to play it their way. She’s seeing none of Tyrion’s plans worked. It was kind of on him. The only play she did on her own worked pretty well and took out most of the Lannister army what does Cersei have? Gold but no food. What happens with Theon? 23:30 – I have an idea, Theon gets to king’s landing, either kills Euron or sacrifices himself for Yara. I think he’s dead before end of the season. 23:50 – as you were talking, I was thinking he hasn’t had his “ultimate sacrifice” redemption yet. 24:00 – I think what’s coming is as showdown of the Lannister kids. Once Cersei finds out Tyrion is why Jamie’s dead captured or injured…. whoa. when she finds out the role that he’s had in whatever happens to Jamie, Cersei’s gonna come after Tyrion. 24:55 – and Jamie just found out it wasn’t Tyrion that killed Joffrey, it was Oleanna. 25:10 – FMK segment! Rush’s picks: Yara (MARRY), Lady Oleanna (FUCK), Myranda (KILL). Brionna’s picks: Ned Stark (FUCK), Jamie (MARRY), The Mountain (pre-zombification (KILL) Thanks for listening! Subscribe on iTunes and SoundCloud. @bsvocalfry on Twitter.





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