Our friend told us a story from early in his ministry when a little girl asked him, "What does God look like?" How would you answer a question like that? What was she hoping to hear? "He's an old man in a white robe sitting on a cloud?" "He looks a lot like your grandpa, only not as chubby?"

So my friend wisely took her to the Bible and showed her the attributes of God listed there. He's merciful and gracious in Exodus 34:6. He's our rock and fortress in Psalm 18:3. And, of course, in 1 John 4:8, he is love. Whatever our needs, there's an attribute of God that tells us of his care for us.

Micah's people needed to know what God looked like for them. Their desires had led them astray; sin held them captive, and their leaders had failed them. So, Micah presents them with three attributes that show them who they could trust God to be.

Of course, as we look at these attributes, we cannot help but see Jesus in them. So today, we'll see what God looked like for Micah's audience and who he continues to be for us.