He's just some no-name preacher from a small town you've never heard of. I'm speaking, of course, of Micah of Moresheth. Wait . . . who did you think I was talking about?!?!

Tucked in the back of your Old Testament is the little book of Micah. He's not a big name like his contemporary, Isaiah. He doesn't stand out like his neighbor in the Bible, Jonah. Micah's not flashy; he's faithful. He calls us back to the heart of God and shows him to be infinitely compassionate and filled with lovingkindness.

I feel a particular affinity for Micah, and I'm eager to share him with you. Today at Kansas Christian Church, we'll hear Micah's call to walk with God and know his heart. We'll see that, despite living in a world where corruption infected the highest authorities, Micah found a way to point his people to hope—a hope we still share.