I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like I lost at least an hour of sleep last night, maybe more! I just tried to make coffee without water in the coffee maker. I was taking my pills and cautiously tried to remember which ones were chewable and which ones weren't. I'm going to need clear and straightforward instructions this morning, and then I'm going to need a nap!

Thankfully, we're in Micah 6:8 today. It doesn't get more clear and more straightforward than that verse! Micah answers the question for us, "What is good, and what does the Lord require of you?" Cut through all the confusion, Micah! We've all had a rough night! Please give it to us in simple language we can understand! And then Micah delivers.

In this one straightforward verse, we find more than a picture of what it means to be faithful; we find the image of Jesus, the one who has faithfully loved us. Today, of all days, we need simple and straightforward. We need Micah 6:8.

And then we need a nap.