I attended a small concert Thursday evening to hear my favorite band, Dawes. Just about everyone there was a longtime fan, like myself. We all knew their songs well and anticipated that they would play our favorites.

Three songs into their set, a very familiar guitar riff started. The entire audience was instantly on their feet. I, for one, let out a "WOOOOO!" (I confess, I'm one of those people who yells "WOOOOO!" at concerts). When the band hit the chorus, every last one of us sang along, fists pumping in the air.

It was our fight song.

This was a diverse crowd—young and old (I'm pleased to say I was NOT the oldest person at this concert), different races, identities, challenges, and sensitivities (one man was practically in tears when I told him how much Connor loves the band). To an outsider, we appeared to be a random collection of strangers. Still, when our song played, we were one, shouting out the chorus together.

That's what the Psalms do for us; they unite us in songs that speak to our joys, sorrows, hurts, and hopes. Sometimes they even give us a fight song.

Today we turn to Psalm 3, the first psalm with a complaint (but not the last). David's foes have him running, and their number seems to be growing. Where can he turn for the deliverance he needs from his enemies?

David needs a fight song. Thankfully he finds one and shares it with us!