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Stepped on the scale today, and saw those numbers.  Some people might be very scared seeing that on the scale.  I did a little mental dance.  Yes... I've got a LONG way ahead of me.  say.. at least another 100 lbs or so.  But... In January, I was at 350.   So... 50 lbs lighter was a HUGE goal for me.   And that was all diet.  I haven't started exercising yet.  That's my next challenge.

And all throughout this process, I also quit smoking.  So after over 20 years of smoking.  I'm done.   No desires to smoke ever again, thanks to Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to STOP Smoking", which I highly recommend.

So, here's to another 100 lbs... which I assume will take me longer than 6 months, but we'll see.  Wish me luck!
