Content Warnings


"Is that what this business with your rotten ship is? A fuck up so bad you have to call the neighbors for help?"

When the Peregrination finds themselves in a legal crisis that can't just be solved over drinks, they appoint a Lawspeaker. The current Lawspeaker has come to a clandestine meeting with the Outer Rangers about just such a crisis as events seem inevitable conclusion that the Peregrination will take the blowback for the crimes of others.

The Cast

Carmine "Carmy" Earl is voiced by Scott Paladin
Ettiane Calsdottir is voiced by Christina McClain
Grey Linkskin is voiced by Vic Collins
Luce Brackett is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
Link is voiced by Kasha Mika
Judge Marinos is voiced by Ally Amador


This episode was written and edited by Scott Paladin.
It was transcribed by Atlas.


Click here for the episode’s script.


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Our theme music was composed & arranged by Michael Freitag written by Scott Paladin, and vocals by Jeremiah.
Breathing Space, Fading Frontier is a Law of Names production.

This work is copyrighted by Law of Names Media, 2023
It may be freely adapted and remixed for commercial and non-commercial use with attribution to the original creators. The unaltered material may not be shared or distributed for any purpose without written permission from Law of Names Media.

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Created with permission from Law of Names Media. Based on original material from Breathing Space. All rights reserved.

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