Previous Episode: S2E4 - Ships In The Night

Content warnings: this episode contains bomb threats, terrorism, implied abuse by law enforcement.


Delivery! One anarchist, union-sympathizing ordnance handling, demolitions expert direct from Makhnovshchina, thanks to the YuKon 24-hours anywhere-in-the-system guarantee!

The Intrastellar Workers Movement continues to fight for worker’s rights and unionization against megacorporations like YuKon, and they’ve gained an unlikely leader. A small group of IWM members plan and execute an attack on one of the distribution nerve centers of the delivery giant, which happens to be in the middle of a space bus station.


The Cast
Carmine Rey is played by Paige Koch
Gabija Castor is played by Patrick Mendleson
Paysley Cogg is played by Bunny
Eponine "Nine" Haidee is played by James Big
Manda Acterburg is played by Olivia Cottle
Angus Sparacello is played by Alberto J Garcia


This episode was written and directed by Lee Seguinte, and edited by Erik Seguinte.
It was transcribed by Paige Koch.


Click here for the episode’s script.


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Our theme music was composed & arranged by Michael Freitag written by Scott Paladin, and vocals by Jeremiah.
Breathing Space, Fading Frontier is a Law of Names production.

This work is copyrighted by Law of Names Media, 2022
It may be freely adapted and remixed for commercial and non-commercial use with attribution to the original creators. The unaltered material may not be shared or distributed for any purpose without written permission from Law of Names Media.

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Created with permission from Law of Names Media. Based on original material from Breathing Space, Fading Frontier. All rights reserved. Breathing Space, Fading Frontier. All rights reserved.

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