Cathy, like so many other non-birthing parents wanting to induce lactation or relactate, is trying to unravel all of the varying information she has received.  So she emailed us for help.  When I suggested we might share her email on the podcast so that we could help others in her shoes, Cathy agreed.  This podcast episode is devoted to addressing Cathy's questions, concerns, and confusion around the basics of how to induce lactation/relactate -- and you might find it addresses some of yours as well!  Below is the email that is the inspiration for today's episode:

I am 38 and have an almost 3-year-old son whom I nursed from birth-22 months. We are in the process of adoption.  We are in process of our homestudy and imagine we'll be bringing an infant home within 9-12 months.  I am eager to relactate for this baby.  I have spoken with two of our local IBCLC's.  One suggested the Newman-Goldfarb protocol, and the second suggested I contact you.  My GP suggested I talk to my ob/gyn for the prescriptions and my ob/gyn said the only way to relactate is via pumping.  As you can imagine, I am a bit frustrated.