"This week, J. McVay shares his favorite films of the decade. Also, as the year comes to a close, we take a listen to a few of our favorite 1st Person segments from 2019, revisit some of our favorite BTR Live Studio sessions, and hear music from a couple of artists J. McVay interviewed earlier this year for The Music Digest.

Music composed by and show edited by Hansdale Hsu.

00:00 - Intro
01:07 - START /// J. McVay’s Films Of The Decade
01:20 - ‘The Act of Killing’ (dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, 2013)
02:35 - ‘Parasite’ (dir. Bong Joon-ho, 2019)
04:00 - ‘Roma’ (dir. Alfonso Cuarón, 2018)
05:40 - ‘OJ: Made In America’ (dir. Ezra Edelman, 2016)
07:50 - ‘Boyhood’ (dir. Richard Linklater, 2014) /// END
13:15 - “Normal American Kids” - Wilco
15:55 - 1st Person: Edie // Wishing She Was A Better Mother
22:00 - "One Man Tag Crew" (BTR Live Studio, 2019) - Dub Trio
26:22 - "What Do I Have To Lose" (BTR Live Studio, 2019) - Blush
29:40 - "Beyond The Valley" (BTR Live Studio, 2019) - Ali Awan
33:20 - 1st Person: Doug // On Life In The Shelter System
39:55 - “Tropical Climes” (Music Digest preview) - Isaac Gillespie
44:10 - “Song of the Summer” (Music Digest preview) - Yoni Gordon
47:12 - "My Lover, I Don't Need You" (Music Digest preview) - Annie Pichan
52:10 - 1st Person: Molly // Being Attached To Her Phone
54:40 - Outro / Credits
55:48 - Finish.