Anthony Iannarino is the author of The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need. His book combines mindset and methods into the sales guide that will boost your sales. 

Anthony started as a musician in LA and is now an expert on generating sales. Anthony hosts a daily show on his YouTube channel where he shares some nuggets of wisdom to his audience.

We start our discussion by exploring the successful salesperson’s mindset. How does a successful salesperson view adversity? How should you utilize your time? How do you approach a problem?

We then dive deeper into the methods for generating sales. Anthony reveals what he thinks about emails, social media, and cold calling. Yes, you read that last one right…cold calling. While many of us have written cold calling off as Jurassic Marketing (I just made that term up), Anthony explains how cold calling is still a critical part of marketing.

It’s like how people say email marketing is dead even though email generates far more ROI than all of the other social networks. Cold calling isn’t dead either, and Anthony makes his case in this episode.


Key Links From The Show:

The Sales Blog - Anthony’s Site

Anthony's YouTube Channel 

The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need - Anthony’s Book



—What is a negative fast and why you should go on one

—How to properly frame all adversities you face

—How to crush it with cold calls

—How to generate sales with cold calls and other methods

—How to use your time wisely
