We talk about previews for movie previews, a twitter faux pas, and ways that the Nationwide Superbowl commercial COULD have been worse.

We talk about previews for movie previews, a twitter faux pas, and ways that the Nationwide Superbowl commercial COULD have been worse.

AIR DATE: 2/12/2015


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Weekly Updates

Nate heard some girls being unwittingly ironic.

Cowan’s son wants to be Batman when he grows up.

Pop Drops

Previews for actual movie previews is now a thing (thanks, Marvel!):


Facebook Police

Brian Caruthers is “free” to follow a spammer

This quiz couldn’t find a rational woman:


Weekly Topic

We talk about ways that this horrible Superbowl commercial COULD have been even worse:


Links mentioned in the show


What ways do YOU think the Nationwide commercial could have been worse?
Tell us in the comments below, or send us a voicemail!

