Over the last year, we’ve reported on the (literal) trials of Finnish parliamentarian Päivi Räsänen, who was accused of “hate speech” for sharing Bible verses in support of traditional sexuality. Twice already, she has been found “not guilty” by the courts. But as our friends at ADF reported last week, prosecutors are now trying to get that verdict overturned. According to Paul Coleman of ADF International, the attacks on Räsänen have been relentless. “As is so often the case in ‘hate speech’ trials,” he said, “the process has become part of the punishment.” 

Recently, a progressive Christian author argued that since Räsänen is “only” threatened with a fine and not prison, it’s not really a big deal. But censorship is a big deal. The loss of freedoms that are good for everyone is a big deal. Christians and others who care about human flourishing and about loving our neighbors should stand against persecution of any degree.