Women Entrepreneurs ShouldGo Big!
Episode 98

In this episode, I interview Dave Bruno, venture capitalist, ex-ski racer, and male ally, about why he thinks women entrepreneurs should go big or go home. He believes women should embrace more risk and dare to fail. Dave’s mother demonstrated female resilience and perseverance and fueled his belief that women make great business leaders. 
Dave Bruno is an entrepreneur, finance industry expert, and influencer with over 15 years at Credit Suisse and UBS in front office and operational roles. Dave was Head of Innovation at UBS Wealth Management globally, responsible for releasing multiple new business models and products in the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, and Switzerland. He also built the Swiss stock exchange’s new digital and innovation unit and investment fund and its F10 FinTech Accelerator, which has taken 10+ companies successfully through their first $2.5m seed investment rounds. David holds his Bachelor’s of Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts Isenberg School of Management, and is a U.S. Certified Public Accountant. 

Show Notes:

Book Recommendation:

Yes, You Can Do This! How Women Start Up, Scale Up, and Build The Life They Want (Techstars) by Claudia Reuter
Gen Y Rising Stars:
Sheena Allen, Entrepreneur. Founder of CapWay (Fintech)
Carey Anne Nadeau, CEO & Founder Ometry

You can connect with Dave on LinkedIn.

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