A Father's Day Special For All Year Long!

It is a great privilege and powerful responsibility to be a man. Learn how to focus on what’s important, handle the challenges in your life and influence the people you care about. Experience greater success in your relationships, your work, and your walk with God.

Summary: In this episode, we discuss the importance of focusing our passions as men in order to live fulfilled lives, have successful relationships, and walk stronger in our faith. This includes embracing the unique characteristics we have as men, and using our strength, power, and influence to have a positive impact in the world.

Key Points:
- Men are uniquely designed with strength and influence that goes three generations deep.
- Embrace our unique characteristics as men, including the ability to compartmentalize and our innate strength, power, and passion.
- The key to success as a man is focusing our passions and using them for good.
- True success in life can be found in a passionate relationship with Jesus, a deep connection with our spouse, and influencing our children and grandchildren positively.
- Recognize and be honest about your passions, and actively work towards cultivating them in the right direction.