On this week's podcast Jo Wood and Zoe Whitman are joined by award nominated bookkeeper and former nurse Louise Ball of Eleven Accounts Services.

Jo and Zoe chatted to Louise about her move from nursing into bookkeeping, they covered:

01:45 How Louise got shortlisted for PQ’s Accountancy Personality of the Year Award
03:22 Why Louise moved from nursing to bookkeeping and how she got started
06:05 What pulled Louise towards bookkeeping over anything else when she decided to retrain
07:35 The importance of choosing a regulated professional career
08:05 How Louise motivated herself to study while she managed a young family and a job
10:40 Louise’s thoughts on having her own a business and taking on staff
11:25 Why Louise decided to set up her own business
12:45 When Louise took on her first clients
14:00 How The Bookkeepers’ 6 Month Success Programme helped Louise build the courage to go after her goals of running her own bookkeeping practice
15:40 What Louise’s bookkeeping practice looks like now
16:20 How Louise is hiring to grow her practice
18:25 Putting processes in place for junior staff members
22:05 Louise’s route map for building her bookkeeping practice further
23:25 Louise’s core services
24:23 What Louise learnt from her experience of entering the PQ Awards
26:40 Louise’s advice to newly qualified bookkeepers who are considering taking on their first client
30:10 We discuss building a profitable bookkeeping practice
331:10 The point at which Louise’s bookkeeping practice startup felt financially comfortable

Louise is the owner of Eleven Accounts Services based in Stockport and has returned to the NHS to assist with the vaccination process. Louise discovered her passion for Bookkeeping in 2018 after working as a nurse for 10 years. Louise loves organisation, accuracy and control, the perfect combination to be an amazing bookkeeper! Louise has recently moved into new offices in preparation to expand her practise.

You can connect with Louise Ball on LinkedIn and on Instagram at @eleven_accounts
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