On today's podcast Jo Wood & Zoe Whitman were joined by Rachel Martin, TEDx speaker, author, business owner and most importantly.. an accountant! She is the founder of accountant_she, a female led accountancy firm which specialises in working with entrepreneurs, influencers and business owners.

The company was built with the goal of helping clients get past the top three barriers to entry for women becoming self-employed which are cited as access to funding or finance, imposters syndrome and business support. She is author of the book, The Tax Guide for Influencers ™ which has had great success.

Today they discussed:

- How to qualify leads

- What content to post

- How active you need to be on Insta

- How to target ideal clients on Insta

- What the practicalities are of working relationships between bookkeepers and accountants

To connect with Rachel you can check out her Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Accountant-She-103735291437251
Or find her on Insta: accountant_she
Her website is: http://www.accountantshe.com/

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