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At Bookkeepers' Bootcamp, we had the opportunity to take a step back to share our journey, how we got started, and why we're so passionate about offering free training to bookkeepers. We've grown this community to 22,000 members, and it's been an amazing ride, full of learning curves and rewarding moments.

How We Got Together

Our story is pretty unique. We met at an event, hit it off, and before we knew it, we were business partners. It wasn't planned, but sometimes the best things happen when you least expect them.

Working with a stranger was a bit awkward at first but, we figured out how to have those tough conversations, which is very important. We learned it's sometimes easier to talk about the hard stuff with someone who isn't family.

Why We Do What We Do

A big turning point for Jo was reading Daniel Priestley's "Key Person of Influence." It made her realise she was thinking small. It led to Jo thinking about how she could have more of an impact, and more recently it's made us look at how together we have more of an impact. We announced some big changes in how we approach our business in The 6 Figure Bookkeeper Pledge.

After speaking at a summit and connecting with the bookkeeping community, we saw a gap in the market. There were plenty of technical courses out there, but nothing that really helped bookkeepers grow their businesses. So, we created a 12-module course to fill that gap (now The Success Programme).

Growing the Business

It's been difficult to balance everything at times, especially with young kids in the picture. But, we're really proud of how far we've come and the community we've built. This episode is really about us sharing our story, the good and the bad, and why we're so committed to helping bookkeepers grow their businesses. We've got some great stuff planned, and we can't wait to share it with our community.

What is The 6 Figure Bookkeeper

The 6 Figure Bookkeeper is a training company here to help bookkeepers build profitable businesses that work for them. As part of our mission we aim to impact 1,000,000 children in poverty by training their parents to run profitable businesses.

Right now, we run business development programmes for bookkeepers and accountants, with more to come in the future.