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In this episode of The Bookkeeper's Podcast, Jo and Zoe were joined by Lee Rennie, co-founder and director at Melu.
They discuss websites and how live chat can help you get leads that you otherwise might miss.

In this conversation, Jo and Zoe discussed:
Websites and chatbots
Credibility and marketing strategies for bookkeepers
Chatbots and live human support for businesses
Outsourcing chat support
Live chat effectiveness for lead generation
Website analytics
A free offer from Melu - go to MELUCHAT.COM and enter code 6fb for an extended trial.

About Melu

Lee started Melu in 2018 with his wife, after they realised they could get better results for businesses through live chat than by building attractive websites, juggling a great love of creativity with their inner tech nerdery.
Web design used to be their bread and butter. "Thing is, it doesn’t matter how pretty or how well your site functions – the people visiting it will always find a way not to get the answers they’re looking for!" Enter Melu – like the website version of a call answering service.

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We help bookkeepers find clients, make more money and build businesses they love that work for them. We're raising the profile of the bookkeeping profession and bookkeepers worldwide. Whether you're a bookkeeper or accountant wanting to grow your own business to have the flexibility for your life, and your family, come and join us.
About our Sponsor
This episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast is sponsored by Xero. Find out more at:
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