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Jo and Zoe will be joined by Scott Johnson for this episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast.

They discussed how bookkeepers can build more ethical, sustainable and impactful businesses, so they can make the world a better place, and leave a legacy we can all be proud of.

They discussed
- Scotts background and Kung Fun Accounting
- Personal growth and business growth
- Ethical business practices and sustainability
- Sustainability, mental health and community
- Mental health, automation and environmental impact
- The importance of human connection in business
- Ethical banking and sustainable business practices
- Sustainable living choices

Scott Johnson formed Kung Fu Accounting (KFA) in 2016 as the first ICAEW Chartered and BCorp certified accounting company in the world. KFA has minimised its environmental impact and maximised its human and societal impacts, winning Xero's first ever Community Impact award in 2021.

While his day job requires filing accounts and tax returns to keep HMRC happy, Scott believes that business can and must be better. So he also helps humans build more ethical, sustainable and impactful businesses, so they can make the world a better place, and leave a legacy we can all be proud of.

If you want to learn more about Scott's views on banking, he has prepared a document, here:

About us
We help bookkeepers find clients, make more money and build businesses they love that work for them. We're raising the profile of the bookkeeping profession and bookkeepers worldwide. Whether you're a bookkeeper or accountant wanting to grow your own business to have the flexibility for your life, and your family, come and join us.
About our Sponsor
This episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast is sponsored by Xero. Find out more at:
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