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In this episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast, we sit down with Jodie Parsons, an entrepreneur who transitioned from redundancy to starting her own successful bookkeeping business. Jodie shares her journey, highlighting the importance of persistence, confidence, and vision in achieving business success.

Jodie discusses how she turned redundancy into an opportunity and started her own business to prioritise time with her family.

She describes how in her first year of business, she achieved her financial goals, doubled her fees, and expanded her client base.

Jodie shares how she provides value to her clients by understanding their needs and tailoring services accordingly.

Learn about Jodie's growth strategies, including local networking and leveraging client referrals.

We really enjoyed discussing:
- Confidence in business
- How do disengage from draining clients
- How not to dwell on negative experiences.

We also discussed how personal development investments helped Jodie grow over the past year.

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